It is those things that make you feel like you’re in the right place…

What do I take? How will my colleagues be? Will I like volunteering? These and many other questions were spinning in my head before landing in Romania.  


From the beginning I had good vibes, the house we arrived in was great, I felt always picked up by my coordinators and when they explained more details of the project in which I was going to participate more illusion made me stay here and be able to enjoy this experience.  

When you arrive, everything is new to you, new city, new country, new culture, people, language… You are looking forward to meeting the children you’re going to do the project with, talking to them and doing different fun activities.  

You start to meet volunteers from different parts of Europe, the first plans emerge, the first visits to other cities, to try typical food and to recognize the first words in Romanian. It’s those things that make you feel like you’re in the right place and you expect those new things you start to know to become familiar.  



Maria Branco Bartolomeu – volunteer in the project Solidarity for a Better Future (S4BF) funded by European Solidarity Corps