Core Values

Core Values…

Reflection   – We believe in introspection. In our human ability to ask ourselves questions about ourselves and the world. We believe that our ability for introspection helps us build genuine connections with ourselves and others. it provides a platform to develop responsibility and respect. Without reflection, our world is empty inside.

Responsibility – What we do, think and feel is our responsibility. The main responsibility we have is towards ourselves: to question our arguments, always trying to be or become the best version of ourselves. Next, we are responsible of how our actions impact the others and the environment. To be responsible means to be accept that your actions (and words) have consequences and be willing to deal with these consequences.

Respect – We believe self-respect and mutual respect should be the first layer of everything. Weather it`s human relationships, education, profession or our connection to nature and environment, respect is a must. It enables self- care, empathy, care for natural, human, material and time resources.


…and other important things

Education – We believe that people can change and improve themselves through education. Formal or non- formal, education offers new information, access to new experiences, interactions with new people, different cultures, traveling, challenging discussions provide us with different perspectives on the world and ourselves and helps us become a better version of ourselves.

Modelling behaviour and attitudes – We believe that people learn from the examples they see around them. As adults and people working in education, we need to provide behaviour and healthy attitude models for young people, on all subjects: respect, care for others, empathy, tolerance, fair communication, honesty, interest in the environment and many, many others.

Experimenting, Exploring, supporting curiosity – We believe that having different life experiences, getting to know different cultures, trying things you don`t usually try are all powered by curiosity. Therefore, curiosity is the internal force that helps us grow. All the new information and experiences that we have help us reshape the map of the world in our mind.

Giving space for others – We believe that in order to have healthy relationships with other people, we need to learn to give them space: space for them to feel safe, to express themselves, to share their ideas and feelings. We need to allow disagreements to exist and respect the differences between us.


Article by: GreenTin