Saving the world could start with giving better future for one child

This is my second article I have already started meeting the village school students and being a part of their journey this year. At first I thought it is another experience to learn more about the non-formal education but I crushed with the same educational system that I left and I hated in Tunisia. An educational system that is not commensurate with them surroundings, aspiration and reality. A system that doesn’t provide the simplest conditions and doesn’t considering their situation, their needs and ambition. I saw a boy in the school with a lot of wounds  in his hand from working, others with special needs they have a problem of focusing they need more time to understand and they don t have the same capacity of learning like others.

 A lot of lessons Math, History, English, French a lot of information for students doesn’t see any hope any future any way to run from the poverty. A heavy school bag full of books but none of these books have solution for them, a hope for change. They need to learn self-confidence also they need to be aware how important education for them is and that it is the only solution for better life. Saving the world could start with giving better future for one child and this is our volunteering mission.

Khadija Khammasi –  volunteer in the project BCV – Bulding communties through volunteering – funded by Erasmus+