Mulțumesc frumos, România
This is my last month in my project, after 10 months in Baia Mare I feel lucky to have had this opportunity, to live in a country different from mine, to know the Romanian culture, to see snow so many times, to live with volunteers from different parts of Europe, to have the possibility to work in different activities and to be able to develop myself personally.
I am happy to have participated in a project in Romania, to have done different activities new to me such as teaching English through games which encouraged me to try to be more and more creative when creating new activities.
Giving talks about the importance of water and its pollution and having debates with high school students about different topics was very rewarding for me because of all that I have learned both from the students and about myself.
Being able to go to the children’s shelters was great because it is an area in which I would like to work and see how it works in Romania and being with them was very enriching.
On the one hand, I am happy because I am going back to Madrid, to see my family and friends again, also for having had the possibility to have participated in this project, to have met people from different countries, to have traveled around Romania and nearby countries.
But on the other hand I am also sad to leave Baia Mare, I had already got used to live here, share the house with my project partners, especially I will miss my partner Manon with whom I have more relationship and with whom we have worked together more times, traveled and shared experiences.
It seems strange to me that this is the last week of my project, before I was counting the months and now I am counting the days, although I am sure that I will return to Baia Mare.
Without a doubt this is a great opportunity for young people, therefore, I recommend to all the people close to me to do a European volunteering because without a doubt it is something they will not regret.
Maria Branco Bartolomeu – volunteer in the project Solidarity for a Better Future (S4BF) funded by European Solidarity Corps